Videos & downloads

Healing After Surgery

The Healing After Surgery Techniques

The Healing After Surgery Workbook


Walking: Healing after surgery

Tai Chi: Healing after surgery

Tai Chi: Discover the Many Possible Health Benefits

Yoga: Healing after surgery

Yoga: Gentle Yoga


Aromatherapy: Healing after surgery

Aromatherapy: Essential Oils–Aromatherapy Safety

Guided Imagery: Healing after surgery

Meditation: Healing after surgery

Music: Healing after surgery

Muscle Relaxation: Healing after surgery

Breathing: Healing after surgery

Breathing: Using Relaxation Skills to Relieve Your Symptoms


Acupressure: Healing after surgery

Acupressure: Acupressure for Pain

Heat and Cold: Healing after surgery

Massage: Healing after surgery

TENS: Healing after surgery

TENS: Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)


Watch Video 1:57

Tai Chi for Pain

Tai chi involves doing gentle, flowing movements as you focus on your breathing. Learn how tai chi can help with pain management.

Watch Video 13:19

Tai Chi Qigong: Gentle movements

A sequence of gentle movements and poses. Movements are based on principles of tai chi and qigong.

Watch Video 2:41

Walking for Pain

Walking improves blood flow, reduces the risk of blood clots and stimulates digestion and other systems. Learn how taking regular walks can help with pain management.

Watch Video 2:13

Yoga for Pain

Yoga involves gently moving through a series of positions which you briefly hold, while paying special attention to your breathing. Learn how yoga can help with pain management.

Watch Video 19:47

Yoga: Gentle yoga compassion

Provides instruction and guided yoga practice with healing music. Designed to include movements to improve balance, stability, strength and flexibility. Session focus is on compassion.

Watch Video 15:56

Yoga: Gentle yoga gratitude

Provides instruction and guided yoga practice with healing music. Designed to include movements to improve balance, stability, strength and flexibility. Session focus is on gratitude.


Watch Video 2:36

Aromatherapy for Pain

Aromatherapy involves breathing in the scent of natural oils made from plants to feel calmer. Learn how aromatherapy can help with pain management.

Watch Video 1:54

Relaxed Breathing for Pain

Breathing from the belly is a very effective way of lowering stress. Learn how practicing relaxed breathing can help with pain management.

Watch Video 4:07

Breathing: Relaxed abdominal breathing

Offers practical techniques to manage stress and promote relaxation.

Watch Video 2:31

Breathing: Skills to manage emotions and reduce suffering

Explains how to use gentle, paced breathing to help relax in times of distress.

Watch Video 2:33

Guided Imagery for Pain

Guided imagery is a way to use the power of your imagination to relieve anxiety and pain. Learn how guided imagery can help with pain management.

Watch Video 8:52

Guided Imagery: Evening sky guided imagery

Offers practical techniques to manage stress and promote relaxation.

Watch Video 10:06

Guided Imagery: Seaside serenity guided imagery

Offers practical techniques to manage stress and promote relaxation.

Watch Video 2:06

Meditation for Pain

Meditation is a way of focusing your attention on the present moment to manage thoughts and feelings. Learn how practicing meditation can help with pain management.

Watch Video 7:43

Meditation: Take a break for meditation

Gives instruction on how to meditate, including breathing counts and words of affirmation.


Meditation: Mindfulness meditation

Guided demonstration of breathing and awareness used for the Ten Breath Practice.

Watch Video 6:04

Meditation: Mindfulness meditation

This video leads the listener through a gentle meditation session that focuses on the breath, kind attention, and messages of safety. This video may be effective for patients with anxiety. It requires no previous meditation experience.

Watch Video 1:58

Music Listening for Pain

Listening to pleasant music has been shown to lower blood pressure, relieve stress and reduce pain. Learn how listening to music can help with pain management.

Watch Video 2:41

Muscle Relaxation for Pain

Intentionally tightening a muscle and then relaxing it is an effective way to relieve tension. Learn how this technique can help with pain management.

Watch Video 30:10

Muscle Relaxation: Passive muscle relaxation

Uses audio program and suggestions to relax the body and mind. Offers practical techniques to manage stress and promote relaxation.

Watch Video 10:46

Muscle Relaxation: Progressive muscle relaxation 1

Offers practical techniques to manage stress and promote relaxation.

Watch Video 23:53

Muscle Relaxation: Progressive muscle relaxation 2

Provides audio instructions for a progressive muscle relaxation exercise. Doing this exercise may help manage stress and promote relaxation.


Watch Video 1:51

Acupressure for Pain

Acupressure involves applying pressure at certain points on the body to relieve discomfort. Learn how acupressure can help with pain management.

Watch Video 2:31

Heat and Cold for Pain

Heat and cold are commonly used to reduce swelling and relax tight muscles. Learn how applying heat and cold can help with pain management.

Watch Video 1:56

Massage for Pain

Massage relaxes muscles, increases blood flow and stimulates the release of the body's pain-relieving chemicals. Learn how massage can help with pain management.

Watch Video 2:07

Massage: Massage therapy

Describes massage therapy as a helpful treatment option for managing pain and reducing anxiety.

Watch Video 2:38

TENS for Pain

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation is a simple way to apply electrical current to a specific part of the body. Learn how TENS can help with pain management.

Watch Video 4:37

TENS: Using TENS for pain relief

TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) is a way of using a mild electrical current to relieve pain. Many people have found it to be an easy-to-use, inexpensive and helpful part of their pain management plan.

Recursos en español

Recuperación después de una cirugía


En la aromaterapia se utiliza el sentido del olfato para promover el bienestar físico y psicológico.


Caminar es una de las mejores formas de controlar el dolor y contribuir a la recuperación de forma natural.


El masaje implica frotar o ejercer presión sobre tejidos blandos del cuerpo. La piel, los músculos, los tendones y los ligamentos son tejidos blandos.


La meditación es una práctica en la cual la persona utiliza una habilidad adquirida, como la atención plena, con el fin de prepararse para concentrar su atención y ser consciente del momento presente.


Mucha gente sabe que la música puede cambiar el estado de ánimo, aumentar la relajación y mejorar la atención. Además, puede reducir la ansiedad y el dolor, y promover la recuperación después de una cirugía.

Relajación muscular progresiva

La relajación muscular progresiva enseña a relajar de forma eficaz los músculos. Esto puede ayudar a aliviar el dolor después de una cirugía.

Respiración relajante

La respiración relajante es una técnica que se utiliza para ayudar a relajarse y aliviar la tensión muscular, y también para aliviar el dolor.


El taichí es una técnica de ejercicio tradicional de China. Cada ejercicio suave o estiramiento fluye lentamente hacia el siguiente sin pausa y, de este modo, garantiza que el cuerpo esté en constante movimiento.

TENS (Estimulación nerviosa eléctrica transcutánea)

El acrónimo en inglés TENS hace referencia a la estimulación nerviosa eléctrica transcutánea. Se trata de un dispositivo médico que envía pequeños impulsos eléctricos a través de la piel para estimular los nervios cercanos.

Tratamientos con calor y frío

Los tratamientos con frío y calor son opciones económicas para aliviar el dolor después de una cirugía.


El yoga es una práctica física y mental que se originó en la India hace más de 5000 años. Se enfoca en la respiración consciente, la meditación y estiramientos suaves que permiten realizar una serie de posturas.

Videos en español

Watch Video 2:05


La acupresión implica aplicar presión en ciertos puntos del cuerpo para aliviar las molestias. Aprenda cómo hacerlo parte de su plan de manejo del dolor.

Watch Video 2:53

Calor y frio

El calor y el frío son métodos comunes para reducir la hinchazón y aliviar los músculos adoloridos. Aprenda cómo incorporarlos a su plan de manejo del dolor.

Watch Video 2:58

Relajación muscular

La relajación muscular implica concentrarse deliberadamente en grupos de músculos para reducir la tensión dolorosa. Aprenda cómo hacerlo parte de su plan de manejo del dolor.

Watch Video 2:14

Respiración relajada

Aprender a respirar desde tu centro puede ayudarte a sentirte más tranquilo y liberar la tensión muscular. Aprenda cómo hacer que la respiración relajada forme parte de su plan de manejo del dolor.

Watch Video 2:13

Tai Chi

El arte del tai chi implica realizar movimientos suaves y fluidos para reducir el estrés, mejorar el equilibrio y controlar el dolor. Aprenda cómo hacerlo parte de su plan de manejo del dolor.

Watch Video 3:00


Caminar mejora el flujo sanguíneo, estimula muchos de los sistemas del cuerpo, reduce el estrés y activa la liberación de sustancias químicas naturales del cuerpo que alivian el dolor. Aprenda cómo hacer que caminar sea parte de su plan de manejo del dolor.